shallow focus photography unknown person holding black smartphone
shallow focus photography unknown person holding black smartphone

Join Us on the Journey:

Whether you're a seasoned traveler or embarking on your first adventure, "Viaje Perdidos" invites you to join us on this exhilarating journey. Let's get lost together, uncover hidden treasures, and forge connections that transcend borders. Welcome to a community where every journey is an opportunity to enrich the soul and expand horizons.

Embark on the Extraordinary with "Viaje Perdidos" - Where Adventure Knows No Bounds!

Welcome to "Viaje Perdidos" – your passport to a world of exploration, discovery, and authentic travel experiences. At "Viaje Perdidos," we believe that the true essence of travel lies in those moments when you venture beyond the familiar, embrace the unknown, and find yourself immersed in the unique beauty of each destination.

What Sets Us Apart:

  • Authenticity: We go beyond the typical tourist trails, seeking out the authentic heart of each destination to provide you with a genuine and enriching travel experience.

  • Diversity: Our team is as diverse as the destinations we explore. With a shared love for adventure and cultural exploration, we bring a variety of perspectives to ensure a well-rounded and inclusive travel narrative.

  • Responsibility: "Viaje Perdidos" is committed to responsible and sustainable travel. We aim to not only showcase the beauty of the world but also promote practices that preserve and protect it for generations to come.

selective focus photography of foot print
selective focus photography of foot print


Our mission is to foster a sense of adventure and discovery, inviting our community to get lost in the diverse beauty of the planet and find unforgettable moments in every journey. We aim to enrich travel experiences, promoting intercultural understanding and respect for global diversity. With "Viaje Perdidos," we aspire to be the reliable compass for those seeking to explore the world in a meaningful and authentic way.

man sitting on gray rock while staring at white clouds
man sitting on gray rock while staring at white clouds


The vision of "Viaje Perdidos" is to become a global reference for travelers seeking authentic and meaningful experiences. We strive to be a leading platform that inspires a diverse community of explorers to discover unique destinations, enrich themselves culturally, and contribute to mutual respect and understanding through travel. We envision "Viaje Perdidos" as a virtual meeting point where travelers share stories, tips, and perspectives, thereby building a more connected and appreciative world of its diversity. Our vision encompasses the promotion of sustainable tourism, the preservation of cultural and natural heritage, and the creation of a global community united by a passion for adventure and authentic exploration.


If you're interested in hearing more about the way we work, we'd love to hear from you.